At Kensington Nursery School, we are a true parent cooperative preschool, organized by a group of families with similar philosophies who work in conjunction with trained teachers to provide children with a quality preschool experience. The preschool is administered and maintained by the parents on a non-profit, non-sectarian basis. The parents assist the professional teachers in the classroom on a rotating basis and participate in the educational program of all the children. Each family shares in the business operation of the school, thus making it truly a cooperative venture. Parents, preschool children and their teachers all go to school to learn and grow together!
The Role of a Co-Op Parent
You are staff. Your primary function is to be an aide to the teacher.
Treat it like a job – be a team player. Be professional at all times.
Get to know the children – learn about the different personalities, temperaments, behaviors and needs of the group.
Bring your talents and skills to the class.
Be proactive rather than reactive.
Be aware of the routine and transitions.
Look for opportunities to learn more about Early Childhood Education. Workshops, books, articles, speakers, etc.
How to think like a teacher, not a mom/dad
The needs of the group vs. the individual.
Momentum of the day.
Group dynamics.
Teaching independence and problem solving.
Enriching their experience (may be messy).
Teaching respectfulness to others.
Balancing developmental needs throughout the day.
Preventing behaviors through proactive measures (thinking ahead).
Know all the children, not just your own.
Supporting social skills in school group situations.
MEMBERSHIP Requirements
Each Co-oping family is required to do the following:
Co-op in their child's class several times per month.
Do an assigned family job.
Twelve volunteer hours (fundraising, maintenance, or a combination).
Attend two mandatory membership meetings per year
Attend a mandatory co-oper training in the fall.
Complete a state-mandated basic health and safety training course online.
Otherwise help out in the general spirit of a cooperative.
No Co-op family is required to do the following:
Do an assigned family job.
Twelve volunteer hours (fundraising, maintenance, or a combination).
Attend two mandatory membership meetings per year.
Otherwise help out in the general spirit of a cooperative.